Are the RRN Training Standards mandatory for our service?
'These standards will be mandatory for all training with a restrictive intervention component that is delivered to NHS commissioned services for people with mental health conditions, learning disabilities, autistic people and people living with Dementia in England.’ (Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards).
Who needs to become an Associate Trainer?
Any individual who needs to be able to deliver Maybo's BILD ACT Certified restrictive physical intervention training.
What do I need to do to become an Associate Trainer?
To become an Associate Trainer you need to demonstrate to Maybo and BILD ACT that you meet the trainer requirements set out in the RRN Training Standards.
I am not sure I have everything required by the RRN to become and Associate Trainer?
It is important in your application to focus on what you do have towards meeting the requirements.
Can I still apply to be an Associate Trainer if I don’t have a training qualification?
The guidance gives examples of a range of qualifications, including training and health and care awards. While it is good practice for trainers to hold or be working towards a training qualification, it is not currently an RRN requirement that trainers hold a training qualification. The important thing is that trainers provide as much explanation and evidence to support their experience and competence as a trainer.
I have a lot to offer through experience, but I am not sure how to communicate this?
It is important you explain why it is you believe you are ‘qualified through experience’ (including in your service and as a Trainer). Include activities you do that help show you have an understanding of the needs of the populations in the services you deliver training. This could, for example, include support with TNAs, work experience/observations and advising services on strategies and local arrangements/personal plans. If you identify areas you could strengthen as a trainer in terms of experience and/or qualifications, please include in the application your intentions and plans to do this.