Maybo Affiliate Organisation Application Form

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Version 1.2 was published on 29th January 2020, with changes to the following Standards: 
1.1.1, 1.1.5, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.3 and 1.6.5 (Ratios)

This form is intended to help you evidence your organisation's compliance with the RRN Training Standards 2019 so that you can become an Affiliate Organisation of Maybo.

Affiliate Organisations will be able to deliver Maybo's BILD ACT certificated training to their employees from the 1st April 2020; the date when it becomes a requirement of NHS commissioned services and the Care Quality Commission that all restrictive intervention training has been certified as being compliant with the RRN Training Standards 2019.

The BILD Association of Certified Training (BILD ACT) is currently the only organisation licensed by the Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) to certify training services as complying with the Standards. Therefore, from 1st April 2020 your staff will only be able to undertake training that has a restrictive component if the organisation delivering the training, the training programme itself, and the trainers delivering it have all been certified by BILD ACT.

There are two ways you can achieve this with Maybo; you can commission training direct from Maybo, and/or, you can become an Affiliate (Satellite) Organisation under Maybo's BILD ACT Certification and deliver Maybo's certified training independently through your in-house training team.

Submitting this form to Maybo will begin the Affiliate Organisation Application Process

Application and Assessment

BILD ACT will be assessing your organisation against all the RRN Training Standards that are relevant to your service. 

You are able to demonstrate compliance with many of the Standards through your use of Maybo training, as defined in your Maybo Licensed Programme Agreement, so the Maybo team will prepare this part of your submission.

However, BILD ACT require additional information beyond the scope of the training and services you commission from Maybo, information which only you can provide. 

To help you gather the necessary documentary evidence, Maybo has prepared this online submission tool which you can work through at your own pace. 

Once it is complete, please submit it to Maybo where it will be added to the remainder of your application (prepared by Maybo). 

Your Maybo specialist will then review your full application with you before submitting it to BILD ACT, providing a final opportunity for it to be checked and enhanced.

Please note:

The review window will decrease as April 2020 approaches so you are encouraged to submit this form to Maybo as soon as possible.

You can share saved drafts of this form with your colleagues by forwarding them the unique URL, username and password that will be generated when you tick the box to 'Save my progress and resume later' above.

BILD ACT’s assessment of your organisation’s adherence to the Standards referenced throughout this form will be based exclusively on the information you provide in this form. 

Any non-conformities identified by BILD ACT may slow your organisation’s application process considerably

If your organisation has not been approved by BILD ACT as an Affiliate Organisation of Maybo by 1st April 2020, your license to deliver Maybo restrictive PI training will need to be suspended.


As this is a new scheme, there is no indication yet as to how long the assessment process will take for each organisation.

Those of you were able to attend Maybo's Masterclass in November on Implementing the New RRN Training Standards and BILD ACT Certification will have heard Glyn Connolly, Certification Manager at BILD ACT, say they are expecting over 1,000 Affiliate Organisation applications in early 2020. 

BILD ACT have committed to RRN that they will conduct site visits and classroom observations as part of the assessment process for at least 20% of applications.

Therefore, the earlier you complete your submission, the better the chance of getting through this process by April 2020. 

If you think your organisation may require training delivery direct from Maybo in Spring 2020 please discuss this with your account manager as soon as possible.


Your Maybo Specialist will guide and support you through this process. Please contact them before starting this form. You can do so direct via the contact details on a recent email from Maybo, or through your account manager.

Only one copy of this form should be submitted per organisation. It should only be submitted once it is complete. It can be saved and returned to at a later date, so does not need to be completed in one session.

It should be completed with full reference to the 
RRN Training Standards 2019

Once submitted, Maybo will review each application before submitting it to BILD ACT for assessment.

 RRN Logo                      BILD ACT Logo                 Maybo

Affiliate Organisation Profile
Refer to pages 157 - 163 of the RRN Training Standards 2019
Populations being supported

In which services in your organisation will you be delivering Maybo's BILD ACT certificated training?

Select all that apply
Refer to pages 103-130 of the RRN Training Standards 2019
Settings in which your staff/carers provide support

In which of the following settings are Maybo methods approved for use in your organisation?

Select all that apply
Refer to pages 131-153 of the RRN Training Standards 2019
Key Affiliate Organisation Representative

Who is the board/senior management representative leading on reducing restrictive practices in your organisation?

This person will be the primary contact for BILD ACT and Maybo and will be responsible for ensuring Maybo training is delivered within a framework that is person centred and minimises the use of restrictive practices, and that training is monitored, reviewed annually and adjusted where needed.

This form must only be submitted to Maybo by the person named here.   
Maybo Training Lead

Who is responsible for the Maybo trainers in your organisation?

This person will typically be a senior manager or lead trainer and will be Maybo's primary contact regarding training delivery planning and support.   
Adherence to the Standards
Please contact your Maybo Specialist before continuing with this form.

Supporting Evidence
Associate Trainers

Local TNA

RRN Standard 1.1.1

As part of the commissioning process the training provider must request a training needs analysis (TNA) from the commissioning organisation.

The TNA must include the current needs and risks posed to everyone based on current evidence and the past two years of incident data. It must be authorised by someone in the commissioning organisation who holds responsibility for restrictive intervention governance and reduction... 


Supporting Evidence
Accounting for 'localised' elevation of risks

RRN Standard 1.1.4

All restrictive interventions must take into account any known factors that may cause an elevated risk of harm at population and service level. Commissioning organisations must have arrangements in place to ensure that any known risks are considered at the individual level...


Supporting Evidence
Adherence to Trainer Ratios
Update 29/01/2020
This standard has been changed in the latest edition of the Standards published on 29th January 2020; the requirement for a second trainer has been removed and the ratio changed to 1 trainer to a maximum 12 participants. Read 1.6.5 of the latest edition of the Standards for more information. 
Latest Standards: 

RRN Standard 1.6.5

When teaching and assessing competence in practical (e.g. physical) skills with a restrictive component, the ratio (of trainers to participants) must not be more than 1:12, in line with first aid that also requires competency testing. The participant cohort size cannot be more than 18. A minimum of two trainers will be required if the cohort size is above 12.

Pre-February 2020, the Standards stated: 

RRN Standard 1.6.5

The ratio of trainers to participants when teaching people theory and when teaching people practical skills must be part of the agreed delivery plan. When teaching people to use restrictive interventions, including breakaway techniques that have a restrictive component, a minimum of 2 trainers must always be present and a maximum ratio of 1 trainer to 9 participants must be maintained... 

Note: Maybo breakaway techniques are non-restrictive.


Supporting Evidence
Further Comments

If you have any additional comments or evidence to support your application please enter them here.
Supporting Evidence