Maybo Training Needs Analysis Tool

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A few words to describe the people to whom this TNA relates i.e. the intended training participants

e.g. Reducing risk, reducing restrictive practices, improving service delivery, staff retention

e.g. monthly / annual reports, graphs, tables, spreadsheets, etc.

e.g. Safeguarding; Whistleblowing; Use and reduction of restrictive interventions and/or other restrictive practices; Manual handling; Stakeholder involvement; etc.


Restrictive Practices

Who is the senior manager in the organisation responsible for restraint reduction and approving the training programme and operational use of Maybo methods?


Customer Profile

Characteristics and vulnerabilities that may cause an elevated risk of harm to themselves or staff

e.g. verbal abuse, threats, assault

i.e. causes, scenarios, environmental factors (e.g. location, time of day, peers, staff)


Training Group

Describe the responsibilities of the group

Characteristics of the training group that will need to be taken into account when developing a curriculum (such as cultural diversity, language, disability, age, gender and physical and mental health)


Supporting Evidence

Use this section to provide any additional information or documentation to support this training needs analysis

